An environmental travelogue of a walk, on foot, across Kenya, from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro all the way to the Indian Ocean. You'll learn about the various debates surrounding efforts to conserve habitat and wildlife in Africa, you'll learn a lot about elephants and the people who used to hunt them, and you'll be perhaps disturbed by the arrogance of non-local "experts" meddling with (and often catastrophically disrupting) entire cultures, all in the name of "conservation." You'll also, at times, suffer from author Rick Ridgeway's leaden pen. His style would improve significantly if he would do three simple things: 1) Put down the thesaurus and stay within the constraints of his working vocabulary, 2) Stop using compound verbs (e.g.: have done, has said, had known), and 3) Omit needless words . There's also something creepy and bothersome about a white environmentalist/travel writer walking unburdened through the African bush with guides...
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