An excellent resource, containing essentially everything to know for pursuing ERE/FIRE. This should be a core book for the domain. A few thoughts on mindset: Your success in ERE/FIRE hinges on whether or not you can cultivate a few specific mental traits. You will need creativity, you'll need patience, you will need the ability to solve problems differently, and you'll need to have a sturdy enough psychological core to resist comments and pressure from those around you who are fully stuck within the standard work-spend-consumerism mentality. But the foundational mindset you'll need is a belief that FIRE is something possible for you in the first place. Many, many people react to the ERE domain initially with a confident declaration that it can't be done. Obviously this is self-fulfilling: if you don't believe it's possible for you to become FI, if you don't consider this path plausible or doable, you'll be right. I think it's worth pursuing briefly...
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