Recovering Luddite Kevin Kelly, who later became the first editor of Wired Magazine, offers his worldview on technology, its tendencies, what it has done to us, and what it will do to us in the coming generations. The first third of the book really makes the reader think, the last third of the book tests the reader's patience as the author wanders on tangents ranging from intriguing to unnecessary. Some chapters are more stimulating insightful than others, and at certain points the author truly loses his thread and devolves into word salad. I couldn't help notice the unintentionally amusing comment in the book's acknowledgments, where the author thanks an editor who "rescued his book from verbosity." More likely that editor gave up in frustration two thirds of the way through. Read the first half of the book closely, skim the rest for the occasional intriguing idea. This book will give you several new ways to think about technology's effects on you and your ...
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