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Showing posts from March, 2021

The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi

A short and difficult book. Very much worth the study required to reach the many insights and ideas here, but you'll have to work at it. I found myself putting quite a bit of extra effort into patiently reading and re-reading sections of this book.  However, even if you can't get past the book's introduction (written by Carl Jung), it--in a mere four pages--articulates precisely the problem of western life. That alone was a valuable resource.  Finally, from this book's short biographical sketch of Maharshi there sits one of the most valuable quotes I've ever read:   " What is not meant to happen will not happen, however much you wish it. What is meant to happen will happen, no matter what you do to prevent it. This is certain. Therefore the best path is to remain silent. " Notes/thoughts:  p xi: Intro by Jung: "It is undoubtedly more comfortable to dwell in a well-ordered and hygienically furnished house, but that does not answer the question as to *w...